lunes, 7 de octubre de 2013


Bullyng : Es un acoso escolar que se puede producir mediante maltrato psicológico, verbal o físico hacia una persona la cual se acaba sintiendo inferior.

Battering: Es el acoso de una persona hacia otra para conseguir que esta sienta miedo y tener el control sobre ella.

Mobbing: Es el acto que lleva a cabo una o varias personas en acuerdo, para que la persona se vea afectada en su vida cotidiana o laboral a partir de un trato o actos obscenos.

Yo relacionaría estos tres conceptos con la palabra 

Bullyng: It is a siege that can be produced by psychological, verbal or physical abuse to a person who just finish feeling down.

Battering: Is a siege of a person to another one to gain control over  her.

Mobbing: It is the act that performs one or more persons according to the person affected in their daily life or work from a treatment or obscene acts.

Estos son los links donde encontré información:

3 comentarios:

  1. This post is INCOMPLETE....English is compulsory and you must use highlighting devices.....Battering has somehting specific about it YOU MUST FIND IT...Poor definitions...

  2. You have to add a video clip to your profile!!!! Feed your profile!!!!

  3. Hi Teresa your post its very interesting buy I think you could try to use differents types of letter and you must put links and the information in english for have a fantastic job!!
