The river Okavango is a long African river, which it is born in Bié's plateau, in a rainy enough zone, and that after a tour of almost 1.000 km penetrates in a basin, already in Botswana, where it has formed an extensive region aluvional improperly called and known in the whole world as the delta of the Okavango. Since it ends in a zone with a very arid climate, it is a question of a river alóctono, we call this way to the rivers that incorporate nutrients and materials into an ecosystem proceeding from the exterior of this one.
Es un delta especial porque el río Okavango no desemboca en el mar o en otro río sino en tierra, dando a parar su agua a un gran ciénaga, que es la que lo forma. También es una de las áreas más naturales y singulares de África, compuesta por una diversa fauna africana, como elefantes, cocodrilos, tortugas, jirafas, etc. Es importante la fantástica belleza de sus paisajes y la fuerza de los elementos.
Is a special delta because the Okavango river does not end in the sea or in other river but in earth, stop giving him water to a big marsh, that is than it forms. Also is one of the most naturals and singulars areas of Africa, composes for a diverse African fauna, as elephants, crocodiles, lions, tortoises, giraffes, etc. Is important the fantastic beauty of him landscapes and the strength of the elements.
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